International Conference on Deformation and Integrability in Quantum Theory ICDIQT on November 29-30, 2022 in Jerusalem, Israel

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International Conference on Deformation and Integrability in Quantum Theory (ICDIQT) November 29, 2022 - Jerusalem, Israel
Quantization and integrability
Algebraic and geometric methods
Vertex operators and coherent states
Olavo theory
Trajectory representations

Geometry and embedding
Curves and surfaces
Surfaces in R3 and conformal immersion
Quantum mechanics on embedded objects
Willmore surfaces, strings and dirac
Conformal maps and curves

Classical and quantum integrability
R Matrices and PL structures
Quantization and quantum groups
Algebraic bethe ansatz
Separation of variables
Hirota equations
SOV and hitchin systems
Deformation quantization

Discrete geometry and moyal
Hirota, strings, and discrete surfaces
Phase space discretization

Whitham theory
Isomonodromy problems
Whitham and seiberg-witten
Soft susy breaking and whitham
Whitham, WDVV, and picard-fuchs

Geometry and deformation quantization
Noncommutative geometry
Gauge theories
Berezin toeplitz quantization

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.