International Conference on Hydropower and Dams ICHD on November 29-30, 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand
Submit Your Paper
- Short Name: ICHD
- Event Type: Conference
- Website URL:
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- Location: Bangkok, Thailand
- Date: November 29-30, 2022
- Final Submission: October 28, 2022
- Notification: December 15, 2020
- Organization: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
- Conference Tags: hydropower power
Applied water storage and hydropower systems
Business and finance development
Clean energy systems
Climate mitigation
Climate resilience and adaptation
Climate risk and vulnerability assessment
Concession agreements and construction contracts
Dam engineering: design and construction
Development and management of water and hydropower resources
Downstream flows
Effects of climate change: adaptation and mitigation
Energy priority development
Environmental and social aspects, water conservation and transfer, and social challenges of transboundary projects
Environmental and social development
Finance options and resource mobilization
Flood control
Freshwater management
Hydro machinery: research and operational issues and, practical examples of innovative low cost technologies
Hydro’s role in electrical system stability
Hydrological cycle
Hydrometeorological process
Hydropower and dams
Hydropower sustainability assessment protocol
Implementation and review of dam safety legislation
Indigenous peoples
Institutions and institutional arrangements
Modernization and transformation
Monitoring the safety of dams, gates and powerplants
Multipurpose dams, hydropower and pumped-storage development
Operation, maintenance and rehabilitation challenges; obstacles and solutions
Policy and planning development
Potential and planned developments
Project benefits
Project financing
Public safety around dams
Pumped storage; hydro in synergy with other renewables
Quantifying and qualifying the benefits of water infrastructure
Regional interconnections
Regional markets
Reservoir sedimentation mitigation
Role of storage in river basin management for sustainable development
Rural electrification
Sediment management
Small dams for irrigation
Small hydro systems
Strategic basin planning
The role of hydro in regional development
The role of risk mitigation in making hydro more competitive
Water footprint
Water resources and hydropower management
Water storage and hydropower development
Water storage, hydropower, irrigation, water supply, navigation and fisheries
Business and finance development
Clean energy systems
Climate mitigation
Climate resilience and adaptation
Climate risk and vulnerability assessment
Concession agreements and construction contracts
Dam engineering: design and construction
Development and management of water and hydropower resources
Downstream flows
Effects of climate change: adaptation and mitigation
Energy priority development
Environmental and social aspects, water conservation and transfer, and social challenges of transboundary projects
Environmental and social development
Finance options and resource mobilization
Flood control
Freshwater management
Hydro machinery: research and operational issues and, practical examples of innovative low cost technologies
Hydro’s role in electrical system stability
Hydrological cycle
Hydrometeorological process
Hydropower and dams
Hydropower sustainability assessment protocol
Implementation and review of dam safety legislation
Indigenous peoples
Institutions and institutional arrangements
Modernization and transformation
Monitoring the safety of dams, gates and powerplants
Multipurpose dams, hydropower and pumped-storage development
Operation, maintenance and rehabilitation challenges; obstacles and solutions
Policy and planning development
Potential and planned developments
Project benefits
Project financing
Public safety around dams
Pumped storage; hydro in synergy with other renewables
Quantifying and qualifying the benefits of water infrastructure
Regional interconnections
Regional markets
Reservoir sedimentation mitigation
Role of storage in river basin management for sustainable development
Rural electrification
Sediment management
Small dams for irrigation
Small hydro systems
Strategic basin planning
The role of hydro in regional development
The role of risk mitigation in making hydro more competitive
Water footprint
Water resources and hydropower management
Water storage and hydropower development
Water storage, hydropower, irrigation, water supply, navigation and fisheries
Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE