International Conference on Photon Interactions, Photoelectric Effect and Compton Scattering ICPIPECS on November 29-30, 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand
Submit Your Paper
- Short Name: ICPIPECS
- Event Type: Conference
- Website URL:
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- Location: Bangkok, Thailand
- Date: November 29-30, 2022
- Final Submission: October 28, 2022
- Notification: December 15, 2020
- Organization: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
- Conference Tags: electrical engineering electrical energy
Photon interactions
Basic processes and applications
Atom-photon interactions
Photon and electron interactions
Photon-photon interactions
Photon interactions in matter
Photoelectric effect
Compton scattering
Pair production
Photon attenuation coefficients Interaction probability
Energy loss mechanisms
Characteristics of photon radiation
Photon beam attenuation
Auger electrons
Electron-photon showers
Attenuation and absorption of gamma attenuation and absorption of gamma radiation
Basic processes and applications
Atom-photon interactions
Photon and electron interactions
Photon-photon interactions
Photon interactions in matter
Photoelectric effect
Compton scattering
Pair production
Photon attenuation coefficients Interaction probability
Energy loss mechanisms
Characteristics of photon radiation
Photon beam attenuation
Auger electrons
Electron-photon showers
Attenuation and absorption of gamma attenuation and absorption of gamma radiation
Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE