International Conference on The Built Environment in a Changing Climate and Outdoor Air Quality ICTBECCOAQ on November 29-30, 2022 in Jerusalem, Israel
Submit Your Paper
- Short Name: ICTBECCOAQ
- Event Type: Conference
- Website URL:
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- Location: Jerusalem, Israel
- Date: November 29-30, 2022
- Final Submission: October 28, 2022
- Notification: December 15, 2020
- Organization: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
- Conference Tags: environment environmental
Collecting criteria and methods to develop meteorological datasets including climate changes
Establishing innovative monitoring systems to capture the multifarious impacts of an evolving climate on the built environment
Defining the energy and comfort metrics in future buildings
Estimating the impacts in terms of air quality and heat-related mortality and morbidity rates
Investigating the interaction between global and local climate changes
Defining governance models, legal frameworks, and agenda-setting methods to prioritize climate policies
Defining criteria and targets for urban and building integrated design in a warmer world
Establishing innovative monitoring systems to capture the multifarious impacts of an evolving climate on the built environment
Defining the energy and comfort metrics in future buildings
Estimating the impacts in terms of air quality and heat-related mortality and morbidity rates
Investigating the interaction between global and local climate changes
Defining governance models, legal frameworks, and agenda-setting methods to prioritize climate policies
Defining criteria and targets for urban and building integrated design in a warmer world
Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE